POMOR Publications

Number of items: 68.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

Kirillova, V., Osborne, A. H. , Störling, T. and Frank, M. (2019) Miocene restriction of the Pacific-North Atlantic throughflow strengthened Atlantic overturning circulation. Open Access Nature Communications, 10 (Article number: 4025 ). DOI 10.1038/s41467-019-12034-7.

Laukert, G. , Makhotin, M., Petrova, M. V., Frank, M. , Hathorne, E. C. , Bauch, D. , Böning, P. and Kassens, H. (2019) Water mass transformation in the Barents Sea inferred from radiogenic neodymium isotopes, rare earth elements and stable oxygen isotopes. Open Access Chemical Geology, 511 . pp. 416-430. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.10.002.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Tuschling, K., Kassens, H., Troyan, V. and Thiede, J. (2004) Wer sind die POMORen? = Who are the POMORs?. Open Access Zweijahresbericht = Report - Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 2002/2003 . pp. 18-20.

Book chapters

Kakhro, N., Kassens, H. and Volkmann-Lark, K. (2011) Deutsch-russische Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Meeres- und Polarforschung : Nachwuchsförderung, Studium und Forschung unter einem Dach. In: Das Wasser und wir - Voda i mir. Deutsche und russische Gewässer: Dichtung und Wahrheit : 13. Potsdamer Begegnungen / Deutsch-Russisches Forum e.V.. , ed. by Von Studnitz, E. J. and Klein, B.. Deutsch-Russisches Forum e.V., Berlin, pp. 114-117.

Kakhro, N. M., Kassens, K., Troyan, V. N., Kaledin, N. V. and Dmitriev, V. V. (2009) Rossiysko-germanskoye sotrudnichestvo v sfere obrazovaniya : magisterskaya programma "Prikladnye polyarnye i morskiye issledovaniya" (POMOR) (Russian-German cooperation in education : Master Program for Applied Polar and Marine Sciences POMOR, in Russian). In: Sistema Morya Laptevykh i Prilegayushchikh Morei Arktiki : Sovremennoe Sostoyanie i Istoriya Razvitiya = System of the Laptev Sea and the Adjacent Arctic seas : Modern and Past Environments. , ed. by Kassens, K., Lisitzin, A. P., Tide, J., Polyakova, Y. I., Timokhov, L. A. and Frolov, I. E.. Izdat. Moskovskogo Universiteta, Moskva, Rossija, pp. 26-30. ISBN 978-5-211-05716-6

Koroleva, L. V., Kakhro, N. M., Polyakova, E. I. and Kostygov, S. A. (2009) Podgotovka molodykh spetsialistov (Training of young scientists, in Russian). In: Sistema Morya Laptevykh i Prilegayushchikh Morei Arktiki : Sovremennoe Sostoyanie i Istoriya Razvitiya = System of the Laptev Sea and the Adjacent Arctic seas : Modern and Past Environments. , ed. by Kassens, K., Lisitzin, A. P., Tide, J., Polyakova, Y. I., Timokhov, L. A. and Frolov, I. E.. Izdat. Moskovskogo Universiteta, Moskva, Rossija, pp. 523-528. ISBN 978-5-211-05716-6


Kakhro, N. and Povazhnyi, V. (2019) POMOR and OSL. [Talk] In: Towards a New Arctic Climate System: Scientific Workshop (CATS / QUARCCS). , 03.12.-05.12.2019, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kakhro, N. (2017) POMOR Master Program for Polar and Marine Sciences. [Talk] In: Kickoff Workshop of The Changing Arctic Transpolar System – CATS. , 16.05.-18.05.2017, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kakhro, N. and Fedorova, I. (2013) Deutsch-russische Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Meeres- und Polarforschung: Bildung und Wissenschaft. [Public Lecture] In: 1. Jugendforum des Petersburger Dialogs. , 07.-11.09.2013, Repino, Russia .

Kakhro, N. and Kassens, H. (2013) Deutsch-russische Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Meeres- und Polarforschung: Wissenschaft, Bildung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. [Public Lecture] In: Deutsch-russische Woche für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Innovationen. , 27.-30.05.2013, Vladivostok, Russia .

Kakhro, N. and Kassens, H. (2013) Dual Degree: Deutsch-russischer Masterstudiengang für Polar- und Meeresforschung (POMOR). [Public Lecture] In: Deutschland und Russland im Wissenschaftsdialog. , 20.04.2013, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kakhro, N., Fedorov, G. and Kassens, H. (2013) Deutsch-russischer Masterstudiengang für Polar- und Meeresforshung (POMOR). [Public Lecture] In: Deutsche Woche in Sankt Petersburg. , 18.-28.04 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kassens, H., Kakhro, N., Fedorova, I. V., Volkmann-Lark, K. and Hölemann, J. (2012) Russian-German scientific cooperation in the Russian Arctic. [Talk] In: International Scientific-Practical Conference on the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation: the Northeastern Vector of Development. , 28.11.-30.11.2012, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kassens, H. (2011) German-Russian Master Program POMOR. [Invited talk] In: 1. German-Russian Conference on Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Science. , 16.12.-18.12.2011, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kakhro, N., Kassens, H., Kaledin, N. and Troyan, V. (2010) Russian-German Master Program for Applied Polar and Marine Sciences POMOR. [Talk] In: QS World Grad School Tour. , 11.03.2010, London, United Kingdom .

Kakhro, N., Troyan, V., Kassens, H. and Kaledin, N. (2010) POMOR – An innovative concept in the study of applied polar and marine sciences. [Talk] In: International Conference 50 Years of Education and Awareness Raising for Shaping in the Future of the Oceans and Coasts. , 27.-30.04.2010, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kakhro, N., Troyan, V., Kassens, H. and Kaledin, N. (2010) POMOR: Deutsch-russischer Masterstudiengang für angewandte Polar- und Meereswissenschaften an der Staatlichen Universität St. Petersburg. [Talk] In: DAAD-Veranstaltung „Deutsche Studiengänge in St. Petersburg“. , 23.04.2010, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kassens, H., Dmitriev, V., Kakhro, N., Kaledin, N., Pfeiffer, E. M. and Troyan, V. (2010) German-Russian Master Program for Applied Polar and Marine Sciences POMOR: a unique international experience in educational cooperation. [Talk] In: 24. Internationale Polartagung. , 06.09.-10.09.2010, Obergurgl, Austria .

[thumbnail of 2006_case_study_4_Heidimarie_Kassens.pdf] [thumbnail of 2006_case_study_4_Heidimarie_Kassens.ppt]

Kassens, H., Priamikov, S., Rachold, V., Thiede, J. and Timokhov, L. (2006) Innovations in collaboration - case study 4: Planning and cooperation for multinational field projects. Open Access [Invited talk] In: 2006 Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum - ARCUS. , 25.05.-26.05.2006, Washington, DC, USA .

Theses - not published by a publisher

Petrova, M. (2015) Neodymium isotopes and rare earth element distribution in the Barents Sea, Arctic Ocean. (Master thesis), Saint Petersburg State University / University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg / Hamburg, 60 pp.

Afanasyeva, V. (2013) Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes in the Arctic Ocean : reconstruction from a sediment core from Mendeleev Ridge. (Master thesis), Saint-Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 51 pp.

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Ashastina, K. (2013) Water mass dynamics and biogeochemistry of the cold-water coral reef, Stjernsund, northern Norway. Open Access (Master thesis), Saint-Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 86 pp.

Boxleitner, M. (2013) Cold-Water-Carbonates in the Bay of Biscay. (Master thesis), Saint Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 104 pp.

Elkina, D. (2013) Pliocene-Quaternary Sedimentation Rates of the Mendeleev Ridge : Paleomagnetic Studies. (Master thesis), Saint-Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 90 pp.

Kirillova, V. (2013) A 12 Million Year Record of Caribbean Outflow to the Northwest Atlantic Based on Radiogenic Nd Isotopes Obtained from ODP Site 1006. (Master thesis), Saint Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 66 pp.

Kovaleva, O. (2013) Coastal erosion and coastal protection in the Baltic Sea. (Master thesis), Saint-Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 52 pp.

Kuvshinova, O. (2013) Antarctic Benthic Communities Under the Influence of Different Ice Regimes. (Master thesis), Saint-Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 54 pp.

Soyan, A. (2013) Possibilities of Gas-Hydrates Formation in the Western Arctic Shelf of Russia. (Master thesis), Saint Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 74 pp.

Trofimova, T. (2013) A Comparative Analysis of Coastal Environmental Conditions in the Eastern Norwegian Sea and Southern Barents Sea by Means of Arctica Islandica Growth Records. (Master thesis), Saint-Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 65 pp.

Alexandrova, A. (2011) Synoptic Variability of Flows Among the Factors in Reference to Conditions for Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas) Occurrence and Distribution in the Laptev Sea. (Master thesis), Saint Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 133 pp.

Antonova, S. (2011) Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Fast Ice in the Russian Arctic. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 37 pp.

Baranova, A. (2011) Vegetation Pattern Analysis in the HeiHe River Basin within the Framework of Long-Term Optimization Project of the Mountain River Flow, Province of Gansu. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 39 pp.

Birin, M. (2011) Geological Structure and Dynamics of the Yenisei Gulf Coast. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 61 pp.

Dreshchinskii, A. (2011) Distribution of Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) in the World Ocean. (Master thesis), St. Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 42 pp.

Filippova, A. (2011) Tracing Holocene Weathering Input into the Kara Sea with Radiogenic Isotopes (Sr and Nd). (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia, 70 pp.

Ivanova, E. (2011) Influence of Precipitation Patterns on the Hydrology of a Sphagnum Bog in Northern Germany. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 35 pp.

Kaparulina, E. (2011) Reconstruction of surface ocean conditions in the western Norwegian Sea during MIS 5e using intra-interglacial variability of planktic foraminifera. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 62 pp.

Kryukova, I. (2011) Phytoplankton Composition and Geographical Distribution in the Eastern Laptev Sea in the Autumn 2008. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 51 pp.

Ledneva, N. (2011) The Application of Geophysical Methods to Solve the Environmental Problems in the Baltic Sea and Lake Ladoga. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 44 pp.

Loginova, A. N. (2011) Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in the Laptev Sea (Siberian Arctic) : a Comparison of In-situ Observations, Laboratory Measurements, and Remote Sensing. (Master thesis), Saint Petersburg State University ; University of Hamburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 98 pp.

Mednik, M. (2011) Development of Hydrocarbon Resources of the Barents Sea: Research of the Possible Impact on an Environment and Environmental Protection on the Example of the Shtokman Field Development Project. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 109 pp.

Poliakova, A. (2011) Reconstruction of the Vegetation of Podporozhsky District (Leningrad Oblast, Russia) during the Holocene according to Pollen Analysis. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 66 pp.

Rumyantseva, N. V. (2011) Melt Trends Over the Arctic Over the Last Millenium Estimated by Climate Models. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 56 pp.

Selyuzhenok, V. (2011) Validation of the Satellite-Based Landfast Ice Mapping. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 33 pp.

Sidorov, I. (2011) The Instruments of Sustainable Development Applied to the Northern Territories of Oil and Gas Production. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 53 pp.

Tropina, Y. (2011) Assessing the Impact of the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company (Severonickel) on the Environment. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 57 pp.

Tsvetkov, D. (2011) Evolution of Sand Ripples Under Oscillatory Flow. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 91 pp.

Zhaden, O. (2011) The Melting of the Antarctic Ice Cover and Assessing Its Change Over the Past Millennium Using Climate Models. (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 49 pp.

Zhuravleva, A. (2011) Paleoceanographic Reconstruction of Surface Water Characteristics in the Northern North Atlantic During the Holocene and MIS 5 Using Planktic Foraminifera. Open Access (Master thesis), State University of St. Petersburg, Russia ; University of Hamburg, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Hamburg, 71 pp.

Antsibor, J. B. (2009) Background Levels of Heavy Metals and PAHs in Permafrost Sediments of the Lena Delta, Siberia. (Master thesis), Saint Petersburg State University ; University of Bremen, Saint Petersburg, Russia ; Bremen, 55 pp.

Bazhenova, E. (2009) Late Quaternary Glacial/Interglacial Regimes at the East Siberian Sea Continental Margin : Reconstructions Based on a Sedimentary Record from Southern Mendeleev Ridge. (Master thesis), St. Petersburg State University ; University of Bremen, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Bremen, 50 pp.

Grigoryeva, E. (2009) Evaluation of genetic components of Arctic Zone Rivers Flow Using Isotopic Approach . (Master thesis), University of Bremen ; SPbSU, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Bremen ; Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 43 pp.

Ivliev, P. (2009) Numerical modeling of wind-surges on the Taganrog Gulf. (Master thesis), Saint-Petersburg State University ; [University of Bremen], Saint-Petersburg, Russia ; Bremen, 27 pp.

Khoreva, E. (2009) Modeling the Summertime Sea Ice Melt-Water Ponds. (Master thesis), University of Bremen & Saint-Petersburg State University, Bremen ; Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 42 pp.

Rozman, P. (2009) The Role of the Laptev Sea Fast Ice in an Arctic Ocean - Sea Ice Coupled Model. (Master thesis), Saint Petersburg State University ; Bremen University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia ; Bremen, 57 pp.

Ryndin, A. (2009) Mechanisms Controlling Gas Fractionation of Hydro-Thermally Derived Natural Gas Emissions in the Okinawa Trough. (Master thesis), University of Bremen ; [St. Petersburg State University], Bremen ; St. Petersburg, Russia, 57 pp.

Ryzhov, I. (2009) Long-Term Changes of Extreme Levels of Arctic Seas and Their Reasons . (Master thesis), University of Bremen ; [St. Petersburg State University], Bremen ; St. Petersburg, Russia, 49 pp.

Sergienko, I. (2009) The Recent Thermohaline Changes in Frontal Areas of the Laptev Sea : Result of Two Sequential Summer Oceanographic Surveys in 2007-2008 . (Master thesis), University of Bremen ; [St. Petersburg State University], Bremen ; St. Petersburg, Russia, 42 pp.

Sosnin, A. (2009) Organic Matter Mineralization and Trace Gas Turnover in Northeast Siberian Permafrost Deposits. (Master thesis), St. Petersburg State University ; University of Bremen, St. Petersburg, Russia ; Bremen, 38 pp.

Vereshchagina, V. B. (2009) Indicators of sustainable Development of Offshore Oil-and-Gas Extraction on the Shelf of the Northern Seas. (Master thesis), University of Bremen, Bremen, 49 pp.

Zhelenov, A. M. (2009) Modern Evolution of Seabed Conditios of Northern Baffin Bay and Adjacent Areas. (Master thesis), University of Bremen ; [St. Petersburg State University], Bremen ; St. Petersburg, Russia, 49 pp.

Reports - other reports

[thumbnail of Abschlussbericht 2011 DAAD.pdf]

Kassens, H., Kakhro, N. and Volkmann-Lark, K., eds. (2011) POMOR Masterprogramm for Applied Polar and Marine Sciences : DAAD-Vorhaben ID 50733296 ; Abschlussbericht. . UNSPECIFIED, Kiel, 7 pp.

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Kassens, H., Kakhro, N. and Volkmann-Lark, K., eds. and Mitarbeiter des Projekts (2011) POMOR Masterprogramm for Applied Polar and Marine Sciences : Projekt RUS 10/002 ; Schlussbericht. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, Kiel, 14, 400 ungez. pp.

[thumbnail of _RUS06-017_POMOR_Abschlussbericht_2010.pdf]

Kassens, H., Kakhro, N. and Volkmann-Lark, K., eds. and Mitarbeiter des Projekts (2010) POMOR Masterprogramm for Applied Polar and Marine Sciences : RUS 06/017, Abschlussbericht 2007-2010. . UNSPECIFIED, Kiel, Getrennte Zählung, 252 pp.

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