Permafrost Publications

Number of items: 299.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

Rekant, P., Bauch, H. A. , Schwenk, T., Portnov, A., Gusev, E., Spiess, V., Cherkashov, G. and Kassens, H. (2015) Evolution of subsea permafrost landscapes in Arctic Siberia since the Late Pleistocene: a synoptic insight from acoustic data of the Laptev Sea. Arktos, 1 (Article 11). DOI 10.1007/s41063-015-0011-y.

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Dmitrenko, I. A., Kirillov, S. A., Tremblay, L. B., Bauch, D. and Willmes, S. (2009) Sea-ice production over the Laptev Sea shelf inferred from historical summer-to-winter hydrographic observations of 1960s-1990s. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (13). L13605. DOI 10.1029/2009GL038775.

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Knoblauch, C., Zimmermann, U., Blumenberg, M., Michaelis, W. and Pfeiffer, E. M. (2008) Methane turnover and temperature response of methane-oxidizing bacteria in permafrost-affected soils of northeast Siberia. Open Access Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40 (12). pp. 3004-3013. DOI 10.1016/j.soilbio.2008.08.020.

Schwamborn, G., Fedorov, G., Schirrmeister, L., Meyer, H. and Hubberten, H. W. (2008) Periglacial sediment variations controlled by late Quaternary climate and lake level change at Elgygytgyn Crater, Arctic Siberia. Boreas, 37 (1). pp. 55-65. DOI 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2007.00011.x.

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Alawi, M., Lipski, A., Sanders, T., Pfeiffer, E. M. and Spieck, E. (2007) Cultivation of a novel cold-adapted nitrite oxidizing betaproteobacterium from the Siberian Arctic. ISME Journal, 1 . pp. 256-264. DOI 10.1038/ismej.2007.34.

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Ganzert, L., Jurgens, G., Münster, U. and Wagner, D. (2007) Methanogenic communities in permafrost-affected soils of the Laptev Sea coast, Siberian Arctic, characterized by 16S rRNA gene fingerprints. Open Access FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 59 (2). pp. 476-488. DOI 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2006.00205.x.

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Morozova, D., Möhlmann, D. and Wagner, D. (2007) Survival of methanogenic archaea from Siberian permafrost under simulated Martian thermal conditions. Open Access Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 37 (2). pp. 189-200. DOI 10.1007/s11084-006-9024-7.

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Wagner, D., Gattinger, A., Embacher, A., Pfeiffer, E. M., Schloter, M. and Lipski, A. (2007) Methanogenic activity and biomass in Holocene permafrost deposits of the Lena Delta, Siberian Arctic and its implication for the global methane budget. Open Access Global Change Biology, 13 (5). pp. 1089-1099. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01331.x.

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Darby, D. A., Polyak, L. and Bauch, H. (2006) Past glacial and interglacial conditions in the Arctic Ocean and marginal seas - a review. Open Access Progress in Oceanography, 71 (2-4). pp. 129-144. DOI 10.1016/j.pocean.2006.09.009.

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Grigoriev, M. N., Razumov, S. O., Kunitsky, V. V. and Spektor, V. B. (2006) Dinamika beregov vostochnykh arkticheskikh morej Rossii: osnovnye faktory, zakonomernosti i tendentsii (Dynamics of the Russian east Arctic sea coast: Major factors, regularities and tendencies). Kriosfera Zemli (Earth Cryosphere, in Russian), 10 (4). pp. 74-94.

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Ilyashuk, B. P., Andreev, A. A., Bobrov, A. A., Tumskoy, V. E. and Ilyashuk, E. A. (2006) Interglacial history of a palaeo-lake and regional environment : a multi-proxy study of a Permafrost deposit from Bol’shoy Lyakhovsky Island, Arctic Siberia. Journal of Paleolimnology, 35 (4). pp. 855-872. DOI 10.1007/s10933-005-5859-6.

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Kuzmina, S. and Sher, A. (2006) Some features of the Holocene insect faunas of northeastern Siberia. Open Access Quaternary Science Reviews, 25 (15-16). pp. 1790-1820. DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.01.013.

Nicolaus, M., Haas, C., Bareiss, J. and Willmes, S. (2006) A model study of differences of snow thinning on Arctic and Antarctic first-year sea ice during spring and summer. Annals of Glaciology, 44 (1). pp. 147-153. DOI 10.3189/172756406781811312.

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Popp, S., Diekmann, B., Meyer, H., Siegert, C., Syromyatnikov, I. and Hubberten, H. W. (2006) Palaeoclimate signals as inferred from stable-isotope composition of ground ice in the Verkhoyansk foreland, Central Yakutia. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 17 (2). pp. 119-132. DOI 10.1002/ppp.556.

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Römpler, H., Rohland, N., Lalueza-Fox, C., Willerslev, E., Kuznetsova, T., Rabeder, G., Bertranpetit, J., Schöneberg, T. and Hofreiter, M. (2006) Nuclear gene indicates coat-color polymorphism in mammoths. Science, 313 (5783). p. 62. DOI 10.1126/science.1128994.

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Schwamborn, G., Meyer, H., Fedorov, G., Schirrmeister, L. and Hubberten, H. W. (2006) Ground ice and slope sediments archiving late Quaternary paleoenvironment and paleoclimate signals at the margins of El'gygytgyn Impact Crater, NE Siberia. Quaternary Research, 66 (2). pp. 259-272. DOI 10.1016/j.yqres.2006.06.007.

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Spieck, E., Hartwig, C., McCormack, I., Maixner, F., Wagner, M., Lipski, A. and Daims, H. (2006) Selective enrichment and molecular characterization of a previously uncultured Nitrospira-like bacterium from activated sludge. Environmental Microbiology, 8 (3). pp. 405-415. DOI 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00905.x.

Andreev, A. A., Tarasov, P. E., Ilyashuk, B. P., Ilyashuk, E. A., Cremer, H., Hermichen, W. D., Wischer, F. and Hubberten, H. W. (2005) Holocene environmental history recorded in Lake Lyadhej-To sediments, Polar Urals, Russia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 223 (3-4). pp. 181-203. DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2005.04.004.

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Are, F. E., Grigoriev, M. N., Hubberten, H. W. and Rachold, V. (2005) Using thermoterrace dimensions to calculate the coastal erosian rate. Geo-Marine Letters, 25 (2-3). pp. 121-126. DOI DOI :10.1007/s00367-004-0193-y.

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Arkhipov, S. A., Chubberten (Hubberten), C. V. (. W., Vanshtein, B. G., Meyer, C. (. )., Ananicheva, M. D., Savatyugin, L. M., Priamikov, S. M., Chernov, R. A. and Streletsky, G. A. (2005) Geochimija prirodnych vod i ldov Zemli Nordenshelda (o. Zap. Shpitsbergen) (Geochemistry of natural water and ice objects on Nordenskiöld Land (Western Spitsbergen), in Russian). Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovanii (Data of glaciological studies, in Russian), 100 . pp. 200-206.

Bauch, D. , Erlenkeuser, H. and Andersen, N. (2005) Water mass processes on Arctic shelves as revealed from δ18O of H2O. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1/3). pp. 165-174. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.011.

Bauch, H. A. and Kassens, H. (2005) Arctic Siberian shelf environments : an introduction. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 1-8. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.003.

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Berezovskaja, S., Yang, D. and Hinzmann, L. (2005) Long-term annual water balance analysis of the Lena River. Open Access Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 84-95. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.006.

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Dilly, O., Gnaß, A. and Pfeiffer, E. M. (2005) Humus accumulation and microbial activities in calcari-epigleyic fluvisols under grassland and forest diked in for 30 years. Open Access Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37 (11). pp. 2163-2166. DOI 10.1016/j.soilbio.2005.03.014.

Dmitrenko, I. A., Tyshko, K. N., Kirillov, S. A., Eicken, H., Hölemann, J. A. and Kassens, H. (2005) Impact of flaw polynyas on the hydrography of the Laptev Sea. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 9-27. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.016.

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Dmitrenko, I., Kirillov, S., Eicken, H. and Markova, N. (2005) Wind-driven summer surface hydrography of the eastern Siberian shelf. Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (14). L14613. DOI 10.1029/2005GL023022.

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Drozdov, D. S., Rivkin, F. M., Rachold, V., Ananjeva-Malkova, G. V., Ivanova, N. V., Chehina, I. V., Koreisha, M. M., Korostelev, Y. V. and Melnikov, E. S. (2005) Electronic atlas of the Russian Arctic coastal zone. Geo-Marine Letters, 25 (2-3). pp. 81-88. DOI 10.1007/s00367-004-0189-7.

Eicken, H., Dmitrenko, I., Tyshko, K., Darovskikh, A., Dierking, W., Blahak, U., Groves, J. and Kassens, H. (2005) Zonation of the Laptev Sea landfast ice cover and its importance as a frozen estuary. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 55-83. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.005.

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Gebhardt, A. C., Schoster, F., Gaye-Haake, B., Beeskow, B., Rachold, V., Unger, D. and Ittekkot, V. (2005) The turbidity maximum zone of the Yenisei River (Siberia) and its impact on organic and inorganic proxies. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 65 (1-2). pp. 61-73. DOI 10.1016/j.ecss.2005.05.007.

Golovnina, E. A. and Polyakova, Y. I. (2005) Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in the surface sediments of the White Sea (Western Arctic) (in Russian). Doklady Akademii Nauk (Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences), 400 (3). ?-??.

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Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., Kunitsky, V. V. and Hubberten, H. W. (2005) The use of CORONA images in remote sensing of periglacial geomorphology: an illustration from the NE Siberian coast. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 16 (2). pp. 163-172. DOI 10.1002/ppp.509.

Hölemann, J. A., Schirmacher, M. and Prange, A. (2005) Seasonal variability of trace metals in the Lena River and the southeastern Laptev Sea: impact of the spring freshet. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 112-125. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.008.

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Kienast, F., Schirrmeister, L., Siegert, C. and Tarasov, P. (2005) Palaeobotanical evidence for warm summers in the East Siberian Arctic during the last cold stage. Quaternary Research, 63 (3). pp. 283-300. DOI 10.1016/j.yqres.2005.01.003.

Lebedeva, E. V., Alawi, M., Fiencke, C., Namsaraev, B., Bock, E. and Spieck, E. (2005) Moderately thermophilic nitrifying bacteria from a hot spring of the Baikal rift zone. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 54 (2). pp. 297-306. DOI 10.1016/j.femsec.2005.04.010.

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Liu, B., Yang, D., Ye, B. and Berezovskaya, S. (2005) Long-term open-water season stream temperature variations and changes over Lena River Basin in Siberia. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 96-111. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.007.

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Nikiforov, S. L., Pavlidis, Y. A., Rachold, V., Grigoryev, M. N., Rivkin, F. M., Ivanova, N. V. and Koreisha, M. M. (2005) Morphogenetic classification of the Arctic coastal zone. Geo-Marine Letters, 25 (2-3). pp. 89-97. DOI 10.1007/s00367-004-0190-1.

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Ogorodov, S. A. (2005) Human impacts on coastal stability in the Pechora Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 25 (2-3). pp. 190-195. DOI 10.1007/s00367-004-0200-3.

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Ostroumov, V., Rachold, V., Vasiliev, A. and Sorokovikov, V. (2005) An application of a Markov-chain model of shore erosion for describing the dynamics of sediment flux. Geo-Marine Letters, 25 (2-3). pp. 196-203. DOI 10.1007/s00367-004-0201-2.

Polyakova, Y. I., Bauch, H. A. and Klyuvitkina, T. S. (2005) Early to middle Holocene changes in Laptev Sea water masses deduced from diatom and aquatic palynomorph assemblages. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 208-222. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.014.

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Polyakov, I. V., Beszczynska, A., Carmack, E. C., Dmitrenko, I. A., Fahrbach, E., Frolov, I. E., Gerdes, R., Hansen, E., Holfort, J., Ivanov, V. V., Johnson, M. A., Karcher, M., Kauker, F., Morison, J., Orvik, K. A., Schauer, U., Simmons, H. L., Skagseth, Ø., Sokolov, V. T., Steele, M., Timokhov, L. A., Walsh, D. and Walsh, J. E. (2005) One more step toward a warmer Arctic. Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (17). L17605. DOI 10.1029/2005GL023740.

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Rachold, V., Are, F. E., Atkinson, D. E., Cherkashov, G. and Solomon, S. M. (2005) Arctic Coastal Dynamics (ACD): an introduction. Geo-Marine Letters, 25 (2-3). pp. 63-68. DOI 10.1007/s00367-004-0187-9.

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Reimnitz, E. (2005) Dinkum Sands — a recently foundered Arctic island. Journal of Coastal Research, 212 (2). pp. 274-280. DOI 10.2112/04-0167.1.

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Rekant, P., Cherkashev, G., Vanstein, B. and Krinitsky, P. (2005) Submarine permafrost in the nearshore zone of the southwestern Kara Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 25 (2-3). pp. 183-189. DOI 10.1007/s00367-004-0199-5.

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Romanovskii, N. N., Hubberten, H. W., Gavrilov, A. V., Eliseeva, A. A. and Tipenko, G. S. (2005) Offshore permafrost and gas hydrate stability zone on the shelf of East Siberian Seas. Geo-Marine Letters, 25 (2-3). pp. 167-182. DOI 10.1007/s00367-004-0198-6.

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Sher, A. V., Kuzmina, S. A., Kuznetsova, T. V. and Sulerzhitsky, L. D. (2005) New insights into the Weichselian environment and climate of the East Siberian Arctic, derived from fossil insects, plants, and mammals. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24 (5-6). pp. 533-569. DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.09.007.

Spielhagen, R. F., Erlenkeuser, H. and Siegert, C. (2005) History of freshwater runoff across the Laptev Sea (Arctic) during the last deglaciation. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 187-207. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.013.

Taldenkova, E., Bauch, H. A. , Stepanova, A., Dem'yankov, S. and Ovsepyan, A. (2005) Last postglacial environmental evolution of the Laptev Sea shelf as reflected in molluscan, ostracodal and foraminiferal faunas. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 223-251. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.015.

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Vasiliev, A., Kanevskiy, M., Cherkashov, G. and Vanshtein, B. (2005) Coastal dynamics at the Barents and Kara Sea key sites. Geo-Marine Letters, 25 (2-3). pp. 110-120. DOI 10.1007/s00367-004-0192-z.

Wagner, D., Lipski, A., Embacher, A. and Gattinger, A. (2005) Methane fluxes in permafrost habitats of the Lena Delta : effects of microbial community structure and organic matter quality. Environmental Microbiology, 7 (10). pp. 1582-1592. DOI 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00849.x.

Wegner, C., Hölemann, J. A., Dmitrenko, I., Kirillow, S. and Kassens, H. (2005) Seasonal variations in arctic sediment dynamics - evidence from one-year records in the Laptev Sea (Siberian Arctic). Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 126-140. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.009.

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Weinstock, J., Willerslev, E., Sher, A., Tong, W., Ho, S. Y. W., Rubenstein, D., Storer, J., Burns, J., Martin, L., Bravi, C., Prieto, A., Froese, D., Scott, E., Xulong, L. and Cooper, A. (2005) Evolution, systematics, and phylogeography of Pleistocene horses in the New World : a molecular perspective. Open Access PLoS Biology, 3 (8). e241. DOI 10.1371/journal.pbio.0030241.

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Wetterich, S., Schirrmeister, L. and Pietrzeniuk, E. (2005) Freshwater ostracodes in Quaternary permafrost deposits in the Siberian Arctic. Journal of Paleolimnology, 34 (3). pp. 363-376. DOI 10.1007/s10933-005-5801-y.

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Andreev, A. A., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., Kuzmina, S. A., Novenko, E. Y., Bobrov, A. A., Tarasov, P. E., Kuznetsova, T. V., Krbetschek, M., Meyer, H. and Kunitsky, V. V. (2004) Late Saalian and Eemian palaeoenvironmental history of the Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island (Laptev Sea region, Arctic Siberia). Boreas, 33 (4). pp. 319-348. DOI 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2004.tb01244.x.

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Andreev, A. A., Tarasov, P. E., Klimanov, V. A., Melles, M., Lisitsyna, O. M. and Hubberten, H. W. (2004) Vegetation and climate changes around the Lama Lake, Taymyr Peninsula, Russia during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Quaternary International, 122 (1). pp. 69-84. DOI 10.1016/J.QUAINT.2004.01.032.

Andreev, A., Tarasov, P., Schwamborn, G., Ilyashuk, B., Ilyashuk, E., Bobrov, A., Klimanov, V., Rachold, V. and Hubberten, H. W. (2004) Holocene paleoenvironmental records from Nikolay Lake, Lena River Delta, Arctic Russia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 209 (1-4). pp. 197-217. DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.02.010.

Are, F. E., Grigoriev, M. N., Hubberten, H. W. and Rachold, V. (2004) Using thermoterrace dimensions to calculate the coastal erosion rate (in Russian) . Kriosfera Zemli (Earth Cryosphere, in Russian), 8 (3). pp. 52-56.

Bauch, H. , Erlenkeuser, H., Bauch, D. , Müller-Lupp, T. and Taldenkova, E. (2004) Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes in modern benthic foraminifera from the Laptev Sea shelf: implications for reconstructing proglacial and profluvial environments in the Arctic. Marine Micropaleontology, 51 (3-4). pp. 285-300. DOI 10.1016/j.marmicro.2004.01.002.

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Berezovskaya, S., Yang, D. and Kane, D. L. (2004) Compatibility analysis of precipitation and runoff trends over the large Siberian watersheds. Geophysical Research Letters, 31 (21). L21502. DOI 10.1029/2004GL021277.

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Bobrov, A. A., Andreev, A. A., Schirrmeister, L. and Siegert, C. (2004) Testate amoebae (Protozoa: Testacealobosea and Testaceafilosea) as bioindicators in the Late Quaternary deposits of the Bykovsky Peninsula, Laptev Sea, Russia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 209 (1-4). pp. 165-181. DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.02.012.

Bolshiyanov, D. Y. and Pavlov, M. V. (2004) Little Ice Age time determination in different parts of the Russian Arctic (in Russian). Izvestiya Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, 136 (4). pp. 37-50.

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Cremer, H., Andreev, A., Hubberten, H. W. and Wischer, F. (2004) Paleolimnological reconstructions of Holocene environments and climate from Lake Lyadhej-To, Ural Mountains, northern Russia. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 36 (2). pp. 147-155. DOI 10.1657/1523-0430(2004)036[0147:PROHEA]2.0.CO;2.

Fiedler, S., Wagner, D., Kutzbach, L. and Pfeiffer, E. M. (2004) Element redistribution along hydraulic and redox gradients of low-centered polygons, Lena Delta, northern Siberia. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 68 (3). pp. 1002-1011. DOI 10.2136/sssaj2004.1002.

Gavrilov, A. V., Romanovskii, N. N., Hubberten, H. W. and Romanovskii, V. I. (2004) Distribution of islands ice complex remnants on the East-Siberian arctic shelf (in Russian). Kriosfera Zemli (Earth Cryosphere, in Russian), 7 (1). pp. 18-32.

Grigoriev, M. N. (2004) The destruction of the permafrost coasts of Yakutia (in Russian). Nauka i Tekhnika v Yakutia (Science and technology in Yakutia), 1 (6). pp. 29-35.

Gubin, S. V., Zanina, O. G., Maksimovich, S. V., Kuzmina, S. A. and Zazhigin, Y. S. (2004) Reconstruction of the sediment formation conditions, based on the study of Late Pleistocene rodent burrows. Kriosfera Zemli (Earth Cryosphere), 8 (3). pp. 52-56.

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Hubberten, H. W., Andreev, A. A., Astakhov, V. I., Demidov, I., Dowdeswell, J. A., Henriksen, M., Hjort, C., Houmark-Nielsen, M., Jakobsson, M., Kuzmina, S., Larsen, E., Lunkka, J. P., Lysa, A., Mangerud, J., Möller, P., Saarnisto, M., Schirrmeister, L., Sher, A. V., Siegert, C., Siegert, M. J. and Svendsen, J. I. (2004) The periglacial climate and environment in northern Eurasia during the Last Glaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23 (11-13). pp. 1333-1357. DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2003.12.012.

Kandiano, E. S., Bauch, H. A. and Müller, A. (2004) Sea surface temperature variability in the North Atlantic during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles: comparison of faunal, oxygen isotopic, and Mg/Ca-derived records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 204 (1-2). pp. 145-164. DOI 10.1016/S0031-0182(03)00728-4.

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Kobabe, S., Wagner, D. and Pfeiffer, E. M. (2004) Characterisation of microbial community composition of a Siberian tundra soil by fluorescence in situ hybridisation. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 50 (1). pp. 13-23. DOI 10.1016/j.femsec.2004.05.003.

Kunitsky, V. (2004) Rossiyski-germanskiy nauchnyi desant na Mamontov Klyk (Russian-German scientific landing to the Mammoth Tusk Cape, in Russian). Nauka v Sibiri (Science in Siberia, in Russian), 2004 (15). pp. 10-14.

Müller-Lupp, T., Bauch, H. and Erlenkeuser, H. (2004) Holocene hydrographical change in the eastern Laptev Sea (Siberian Arctic) recorded in delta18O profiles of bivalve shells. Quaternary Research, 61 (1). pp. 32-41. DOI 10.1016/j.yqres.2003.09.003.

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Romanovskii, N. N., Hubberten, H. W., Gavrilov, A. V., Tumskoy, V. E. and Kholodov, A. L. (2004) Permafrost of the east Siberian Arctic shelf and coastal lowlands. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23 (11-13). pp. 1359-1369. DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2003.12.014.

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Shevchenko, V. P., Stein, R., Vinogradova, A. A., Bergholter, U., Eicken, H., Savchenko, A. V., Kolatschek, J., Lisitzin, A. P., Smirnov, V. V. and Ivanov, G. I. (2004) Elemental composition of aerosols in the near-water layer of the atmosphere over the Laptev Sea in July-September 1995. Oceanology, 44 (4). pp. 579-587.

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Bobrov, A. A., Siegert, C., Schirrmeister, L. and Andreev, A. A. (2003) Testate amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) in Late Quaternary permafrost deposits of the Bykovsky Peninsula, Arctic Yakutia (in RUssian). Izvestiya Rossiyskoj Akademiy Nauk / Seriya biologicheskaya, 2003 (2). pp. 265-282.

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Helmke, J. P., Bauch, H. A. and Mazaud, A. (2003) Evidence for a mid-Pleistocene change of ice-drift pattern in the Nordic seas. Journal of Quaternary Science, 18 . pp. 183-191. DOI 10.1002/jqs.735.

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Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Harff, J., Krause, R. A., Mikkelsen, N. and Thiede, J. (2006) "Alfred-Wegener-Tage" in Ummannaq am 4. und 5. Oktober 2005. Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 2006 (23). pp. 111-113.

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Hubberten, H. W., Wagner, D., Pfeiffer, E. M., Boike, J. and Gukov, A. Y. (2006) The Russian-German research station Samoylov, Lena Delta: a key site for polar research in the Siberian Arctic. Polarforschung, 73.2003 (2/3). pp. 111-116. DOI hdl:10013/epic.29916.d001.

Grigoriev, M. N. (2005) Land loss of the Yakutia Republic (in Russian). The Week in Yakutia (in Russian), 2005 (6). pp. 8-9.

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Stepanova, A., Taldenkova, E. and Bauch, H. A. (2004) Ostracod species of the genus Cytheropteron from late Pleistocene-Holocene and recent sediments of the Laptev Sea (Arctic Siberia). Open Access Revista Española de Micropaleontologia, 36 (1). pp. 83-108.

Rachold, V., Solomon, S. and Brown, J. (2003) Arctic Coastal Dynamics (ACD) - a new LOICZ regional project. IGBP-LOICZ Newsletter (23). pp. 1-5.


Lozán, J. L., Graßl, H., Hubberten, H. W., Hupfer, P., Karbe, L. and Piepenburg, D., eds. (2006) Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen : wissenschaftliche Fakten ; Natur - Klima - Ressourcen - Umweltschutz ; zum Internationalen Polarjahr März 2007 - März 2009. . Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 11-18, 351 pp. ISBN 3-9809688-1-X

Frolov, I. E., Gudkovich, Z. M., Radionov, V. F., Shirochkov, A. V. and Timokhov, L. A. (2005) The Arctic Basin: Results from the Russian Drifting Stations. . Springer Praxis Books : Geophysical Sciences . Springer, Berlin (u.a.), XXIV, 276 pp. ISBN 978-3-540-37665-8 DOI 10.1007/3-540-37665-8.

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Wegener, A. (2005) Kontinental-Verschiebungen : Originalnotizen und Literaturauszüge = Continental Drift : the Original Notes and Quotations. , ed. by Krause, R. and Thiede, J.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 516 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, 421 pp.

Thiede, J., Elßmann, L., Emmermann, R., Hermyt, D., Seibold, E., Spielhagen, R., Wedepohl, K. H., Welte, D. H. and Wininger, M., eds. (2004) Geowissenschaften und die Zukunft : wissensbasierte Vorhersagen, Warnungen, Herausforderungen ; Beiträge des Interakademischen Symposions vom 3. - 5. September 2003. . Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, 2004 (2). Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 183 pp. ISBN 3-515-08569-6

Lisitzin, A. P. (2002) Sea-Ice and Iceberg Sedimentation in the Ocean : Recent and Past. . Springer, Berlin (u.a.), XI, 563 pp. ISBN 3-540-67965-0

Book chapters

Alexeeva, T. and Frolov, S. (2006) Interannual variability of summer sea ice thickness and ice extent in the Laptev Sea 2000-2005 derived from shipborne visual observations and passive microwave data. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & (and) Sea Ice : Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Japan, 19-24 February 2006 / Organized and sponsored by the Okhotsk Sea & Cold Ocean Research Association (OSCORA), City of Mombetsu, Hokkaido University (Modern Educational Needs Challenge Support Program), and Ocean Policy Research Foundation (OPRF). . Ocean Policy Research Foundation, Okhotsk Sea & Cold Ocean Research Association, Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Japan, pp. 236-239.

Dilly, O., Pfeiffer, E. M. and Irmler, U. (2006) Soil phases: the living phase. In: Soils: Baic Concepts and Future Challenges. , ed. by Certini, G. and Scalenghe, R.. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 91-102. ISBN 13 978-0-521-85173-2

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Hubberten, H. W. and Schirrmeister, L. (2006) Rolle des Permafrostes bei der Landschaftsbildung in der Arktis und Subarktis. In: Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen : wissenschaftliche Fakten. , ed. by Lozán, J. L., Graßl, H., Hubberten, H. W., Hupfer, P., Karbe, L. and Piepenburg, D.. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 48-53. ISBN 3-9809688-1-X

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Kassens, H., Bauch, H. , Hölemann, J. A., Priamikov, S., Thiede, J. and Timokhov, L. (2006) Die Laptewsee im Wandel: Neue Seewege möglich. In: Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen : Wissenschaftliche Fakten. , ed. by Lozán, J. L., Graßl, H., Hubberten, H. W., Hupfer, P., Karbe, L. and Piepenburg, D.. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, pp. 226-229. ISBN 3-9809688-1-X

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Kuznetsova, T. V., Wetterich, S. and Schirrmeister, L. (2006) Die Mammutfauna der sibirischen Arktis als Beispiel für einen klimabedingten Faunenwechsel nach der letzten Eiszeit. In: Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen : Wissenschaftliche Fakten. , ed. by Lozán, J. L., Graßl, H., Hubberten, H. W., Hupfer, P., Karbe, L. and Piepenburg, D.. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, pp. 107-111. ISBN 3-9809688-1-X

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Lozan, J. L., Graßl, H., Hupfer, P. and Piepenburg, D. (2006) Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen – Ein Überblick. In: Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen : Wissenschaftliche Fakten. , ed. by Lozán, J. L., Graßl, H., Hubberten, H. W., Hupfer, P., Karbe, L. and Piepenburg, D.. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 11-18. ISBN 3-9809688-1-X

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Pfeiffer, E. M. (2006) Kohlendioxid und Methan im Permafrost. In: Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen : wissenschaftliche Fakten. , ed. by Lozán, J. L., Graßl, H., Hubberten, H. W., Hupfer, P., Karbe, L. and Piepenburg, D.. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 232-236. ISBN 3-9809688-1-X

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Schirrmeister, L. and Rachold, V. (2006) Bildung und Degradierung von Permafrost in der sibirischen Arktis. In: Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen : wissenschaftliche Fakten. , ed. by Lozán, J. L., Graßl, H., Hubberten, H. W., Hupfer, P., Karbe, L. and Piepenburg, D.. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 213-217. ISBN 3-9809688-1-X

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Thiede, J. and Gernandt, H. (2006) Erfolge der deutschen Polarforschung seit dem letzten Internationalen Polarjahr. In: Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen : wissenschaftliche Fakten. , ed. by Lozán, J. L., Graßl, H., Hubberten, H. W., Hupfer, P., Karbe, L. and Piepenburg, D.. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 247-252. ISBN 3-9809688-1-X

Wegner, C., Hölemann, J., Klagge, T., Timokhov, L. and Kassens, H. (2006) Application of ADCPs for long-term sediment transport monitoring in Arctic environments : examples from the Laptev Sea. In: 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2006 : June 4-9, 2006, Hamburg, Germany. - Volume 2: Ocean Engineering and Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology. . ASME, New York, NY, USA, pp. 545-551. ISBN 0-7918-4747-0 DOI 10.1115/OMAE2006-92551.

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Are, F., Reimnitz, E., Solomon, S., Hubberten, H. W. and Rachold, V. (2005) The shape of erosional arctic shoreface profiles. In: Arctic Coastal Dynamics : Report of the 5th International Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 13-16 October 2004 . , ed. by Rachold, V., Lantuit, H., Couture, N. and Pollard, W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 506 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Montreal, Canada, pp. 24-27.

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Bauch, H. A. , Pavlidis, Y. A., Polyakova, Y. I., Matishov, G. G. and Koç, N. (2005) Pechora Sea environments : past, modern, and future state of Pechora Sea. Open Access In: Pechora Sea environments : Past, Present, and Future. , ed. by Bauch, H. A., Pavlidis, Y. A., Polyakova, Y. I., Matishov, G. G. and Koç, N.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 501 . Kamloth, Bremen, pp. 1-5, 247 pp.

Fiencke, C., Spieck, E. and Bock, E. (2005) Nitrifying bacteria. In: Nitrogen Fixation in Research: Agriculture, Forestry, Ecology, and the Environment. , ed. by Werner, D. and Newton, W. E.. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 255-276. ISBN 13-978-1-4020-3542-9

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Grigoriev, M. N., Rachold, V. and Hubberten, H. W. (2005) The degradation of coastal permafrost and the development of sub-sea permafrost in the near-shore zone of the Laptev Sea : extended abstract. Open Access In: Arctic Coastal Dynamics : report of the 5th International Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 13-16 October 2004. , ed. by Rachold, V., Lantuit, H., Couture, N. and Pollard, W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 506 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 53-54.

Grigoriev, M. N., Sedenko, S. V. and Sedenko, E. G. (In Press / Accepted) Up-to-date cryogenic geomorphological processes in the coastal zone of the Asian Arctic seas: dynamics and sediment flux (in Russian). In: Exogenous Processes in Siberia (in Russian). . The Earth's Crust Institute, Irktusk, Russia, ??.

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Grigoriev, M. N., Vasiliev, A. A. and Rachold, V. (2005) Sediment and organic carbon fluxes in connection with eroding permafrost coasts of the Siberian Arctic : extended abstract. Open Access In: Arctic Coastal Dynamics : report of the 5th International Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 13-16 October 2004. , ed. by Rachold, V., Lantuit, H., Couture, N. and Pllard, W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 506 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany, p. 55.

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Gruzdeva, O., Are, F. and Rachold, V. (2005) Bottom sediments on erosional shoreface of the Laptev Sea. Open Access In: Arctic Coastal Dynamics : report of the 5th International Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 13-16 October 2004. , ed. by Rachold, V., Lantuit, H., Couture, N. and Pollard, W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 506 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 256-58.

Klyuvitkina, T. S. (2005) Izmeneniya paleookeanologicheskikh uslovii v more Laptevykh po dannym analiza tsist dinoflagellat (Paleoenvironmental conditions in the Laptev Sea based on dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, in Russian). In: KVARTER-2005 : Materaily IV Vserossiyskogo Soveshchaniyapo Izucheniyu Chetvertichnogo Perioda (Proceedings of the IV Conference on Quaternary Researches, in Russian). . MGU, Syktyvkar, pp. 184-186.

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Leont′yev, I. and Rachold, V. (2005) Peculiarities of coastal evolution in the western and eastern Russian Arctic : extended abstract. Open Access In: Arctic Coastal Dynamics : report of the 5th International Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 13-16 October 2004. , ed. by Rachold, V., Lantuit, H., Couture, N. and Pollard, W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 506 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 76-78.

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Nikiforov, S., Pavlidis, Y., Rachold, V., Aibulatov, D. and Artem′ev, A. (2005) Bathymetric seabed mapping based on GIS-technology : extended abstract. Open Access In: Arctic Coastal Dynamics : report of the 5th International Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 13-16 October 2004. , ed. by Rachold, V., Lantuit, H., Couture, N. and Pollard, W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 506 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Insitut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, p. 81.

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Nikiforov, S., Pavlidis, Y., Rachold, V. and Aibulatov, D. (2005) Geomorphological seabed mapping based on GIS-technology : extended abstract. Open Access In: Arctic Coastal Dynamics : report of the 5th International Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 13-16 October 2004. , ed. by Rachold, V., Lantuit, H., Couture, N. and Pollard, W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 506 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany, p. 80.

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Ogorodov, S. A., Polyakova, Y. I., Kaplin, P. A., Parunin, O. B. and Taldenkova, E. E. (2005) Evolution of the barrier beaches in the Pechora Sea. Open Access In: Pechora Sea environments : Past, Present, and Future. , ed. by Bauch, H. A., Pavlidis, Y. A., Polyakova, Y. I., Matishov, G. G. and Koç, N.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 501 . Kamloth, Bremen, pp. 177-183, 247 pp.

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Ostroumov, V. and Rachold, V. (2005) Features of statistical distribution of organic carbon in continental permafrost of arctic shores (East Siberian Sea) : extended abstract. Open Access In: Arctic Coastal Dynamics : report of the 5th International Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 13-16 October 2004. , ed. by Rachold, V., Lantuit, H., Couture, N. and Pollard, W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 506 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, p. 86.

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Pavlidis, Y., Nikiforov, S. and Rachold, V. (2005) Coastal offshore of Novaya Zemlya Island, relief and sediments : extended abstract. Open Access In: Arctic Coastal Dynamics : report of the 5th International Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 13-16 October 2004. , ed. by Rachold, V., Lantuit, H., Couture, N. and Pollard, W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 506 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, p. 87.

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Pivovarov, S., Hoelemann, J. A., Kassens, H., Piepenburg, D. and Schmid, M. K. (2005) Laptev and East Siberian Seas. In: The Global Coastal Ocean: Interdisciplinary Regional Studies and Syntheses ; Pt. B, The Coasts of Africa, Europe, Middle East, Oceania and Polar Regions. , ed. by Robinson, A. R. and Brink, K. H.. The Sea, 14 (B). Havard University Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 1111-1137. ISBN 978-0-674-02117-4 ; 0-674-02117-7

Polyakova, Y. I., Klyuvitkina, T. S., Golovnina, E. A., Bauch, H. A. and Stein, R. (2005) Postglacial changes of riverine discharge and sea-ice conditions in the Siberian Arctic seas (in Russian). In: Horizons of Geography (in Russian). , ed. by Kasimov, N. S.. MSU Publ. House, Moscow, Russia, pp. 291-301.

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Hubberten, H. W. and Romanovskii, N. N. (2003) The main features of permafrost in the Laptev Sea region, Russia - a review. In: Permafrost: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. ; 1 , ed. by Phillips, M., Springman, S. M. and Arenson, L. U.. Balkema, Lisse, The Netherlands, pp. 431-436. ISBN 9-05809-584-3

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Karcher, M. J., Kulakov, M., Pivovarov, S., Schauer, U., Kauker, F. and Schlitzer, R. (2003) Atlantic Water flow to the Kara Sea: comparing model results with observations. In: Siberian River Run-Off in the Kara Sea: Characterization, Quantification, Variability and Environmental Significance. , ed. by Stein, R., Fahl, K., Fütterer, D., Galimov, E. M. and Stepanets, O. V.. Proceedings in Marine Sciences, 6 . Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 47-72. ISBN 0-444-51365-5 DOI hdl:10013/epic.15659.d001.

Kraev, G. N. and Streletskiy, D. A. (2003) Geoecological features of seasonal freezing, European part of Russia (in Russian). In: Proceedings of Annual Session of the Scientific Council RAS on Environmental Geoscience, Engineering Geology, and Hydrogeology (in Russian). . GEOS, Moskau, Russia, pp. 114-118.

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Kutzbach, L., Abramova, E. N. and Schneider, W. (2003) Seasonal progression of thaw depth depended on microrelief. Open Access In: Russian-German Cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA : the Expedition LENA 2002 . , ed. by Grigoriev, M. N., Rachold, V., Bolshiyanov, D. Y., Pfeiffer, E. M., Schirrmeister, L., Wagner, D. and Hubberten, H. W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 466 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 49-50.

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Kuzmina, S. (2003) Insects and grazing mammals in the Pleistocene of northeastern Siberia. In: 3rd International Mammoth Conference, 2003 : Program and Abstracts. , ed. by Storer, J. E.. Occasional Papers in Earth Sciences, 5 . Palaeontology Program, Department of Tourism and Culture, Government of Yukon, Yukon, Canada, pp. 55-58. ISBN 1-55362-154-9

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Kuzmina, S., Wetterich, S. and Meyer, H. (2003) Paleoecological and sedimentological studies of permafrost deposits in the central Lena Delta (Kurungnakh and Samoylov islands). Open Access In: Russian-German Cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA : the Expedition LENA 2002 . , ed. by Grigoriev, M. N., Rachold, V., Bolshiyanov, D. Y., Pfeiffer, E. M., Schirrmeister, L., Wagner, D. and Hubberten, H. W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 466 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 71-81.

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Kuznetsova, T. V., Sulerzhitsky, L. D., Andreev, A. A., Siegert, C., Schirrmeister, L. and Hubberten, H. W. (2003) Influence of Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental conditions on the distribution of mammals fauna in the Laptev Sea region. In: 3rd International Mammoth Conference, 2003 : Program and Abstracts. , ed. by Storer, J. E.. Occasional Papers in Earth Sciences, 5 . Palaeontology Program, Department of Tourism and Culture, Government of Yukon, Yukon, Canada, pp. 58-60. ISBN 1-55362-154-9

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Leibman, M. O., Hubberten, H. W., Lein, A. Y., Streletskaya, I. D. and Vanshtein, B. G. (2003) Tabular ground ice origin: cryolithological and isotope-geochemical study. In: Permafrost: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. ; 1 , ed. by Phillips, M., Springman, S. M. and Arenson, L. U.. Balkema, Lisse, The Netherlands, pp. 645-650. ISBN 9-05809-584-3

Pivovarov, S., Schlitzer, R. and Novikhin, A. (2003) River runoff influence on the water mass formation in the Kara Sea. In: Siberian River Run-off in the Kara Sea: Characterisation, Quantification, Variability and Environmental Significance. , ed. by Stein, R., Fahl, K., Fütterer, D. K., Galimov, E. M. and Stepanets, O. V.. Proceedings in Marine Sciences, 6 . Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 9-25. ISBN 0-444-51365-5

Polyakova, Y. I. (2003) Diatom assemblages in the surface sediments of the Kara Sea (Siberian Arctic) and their relationship to oceanological conditions. In: Siberian River Run-Off in the Kara Sea: Characterization, Quantification, Variability and Environmental Significance. , ed. by Stein, R., Fahl, K., Fütterer, D., Galimov, E. M. and Stepanets, O. V.. Proceedings in Marine Sciences, 6 . Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 375-399. ISBN 0-444-51365-5

Popp, S., Diekmann, B., Meyer, H. and Siegert, C. (2003) Erste Ergebnisse zur spätquartären Umweltentwicklung im Werchojansk-Gebirge und seinem Vorland. In: 21. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung : Programm und Zusammenfassung der Tagungsbeiträge ; 17. - 22. März 2003, Kiel, Germany / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung. . Terra Nostra, 2003 (1). Selbstverl. der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, Bonn, pp. 41-42.

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Rachold, V., Lack, M. and Grigoriev, M. N. (2003) A Geo Information System (GIS) for circum-arctic coastal dynamics. In: Permafrost: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. ; 2 , ed. by Phillips, M., Springman, S. M. and Arenson, L. U.. Balkema, Lisse, The Netherlands, pp. 923-927. ISBN 90-5809-585-1

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Razumov, S. O. (2003) Coastal cryogenic processes and cabonate balance of the coastal waters of eastern Arctic seas in the light of a changing climate. In: Permafrost: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. ; 2 , ed. by Phillips, M., Springman, S. M. and Arenson, L. U.. Balkema, Lisse, The Netherlands, pp. 935-940. ISBN 90-5809-585-1 ; 90-5809-582-7

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Razumov, S. O. and Grigoriev, M. N. (2003) Water temperature and hydrometeorological characteristics along the coasts of the New Siberian Islands. Open Access In: Russian-German Cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA : the Expedition LENA 2002 . , ed. by Grigoriev, M. N., Rachold, V., Bolshiyanov, D. Y., Pfeiffer, E. M., Schirrmeister, L., Wagner, D. and Hubberten, H. W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 466 . AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 330-334.

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Romanivskii, N. N., Hubberten, H. W., Romanovsky, V. E. and Kholodov, A. L. (2003) Permafrost evolution under the influence of long-term climate fluctuations and glacio-eustatic sea-level variation: region of Laptev and East Siberian seas, Russia. In: Permafrost: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. ; 2 , ed. by Phillips, M., Springman, S. M. and Arenson, L. U.. Balkema, Lisse, The Netherlands, pp. 983-984. ISBN 90-5809-585-1 ; 90-5809-582-7

[thumbnail of 2003_Schirrmeister-etal_Permafrost_BerPolMeerFor-466.pdf]

Schirrmeister, L., Grosse, G., Kunitsky, V., Meyer, H., Derivyagin, A. and Kuznetsova, T. (2003) Permafrost, periglacial and paleo-environmental studies on New Siberian Islands. Open Access In: Russian-German Cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA : the Expedition LENA 2002 . , ed. by Grigoriev, M. N., Rachold, V., Bolshiyanov, D. Y., Pfeiffer, E. M., Schirrmeister, L., Wagner, D. and Hubberten, H. W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 466 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 195-314.

[thumbnail of Extended Abstract]

Sher, A., Kuzmina, S., Kiseyov, S. and Lister, A. (2003) Tundra-steppe environment in Arctic Siberia and the evolution of the woolly mammoth. In: 3rd International Mammoth Conference, 2003 : Program and Abstracts. , ed. by Storer, J. E.. Occasional Papers in Earth Sciences, 5 . Palaeontology Program, Department of Tourism and Culture, Government of Yukon, Yukon, Canada, pp. 136-142. ISBN 1-55362-154-9

Sher, A., Kuzmina, S., Kuznetsova, T. V. and Sulerzhitsky, L. D. (2003) Large mammals and climate of the Siberian shelf land. In: Impacts of Late Quaternary Climate Change on Western Arctic Shelf Lands: Insights from the Terrestrial Mammal Records Workshop : Abstracts ; International Arctic Research Center, Fairbanks, Alaska, 19 - 21 May 2003. . IARC, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, pp. 41-45.

Sher, A. V., Lister, A. and Morlan, R. E. (2003) Early Siberian mammoths in Northern Yukon. In: The World of Elephants : Short Papers and Abstracts of the 2nd International Congress. , ed. by Agenbroad, L. D. and Symington, R. L.. Mommoth Site Scientific Papers, 4 . Mammoth Site of Hot Springs, Hot Springs, S.D, USA, pp. 153-157.

Shevchenko, V. P., Lisitsin, A. P., Smirnov, V. V., Serova, V. V. and Stein, R. (2003) Composition and fluxes of aerosols (in Russian). In: Pechorskoe Morje : Sistemnye Issledovaniya = The Pechora Sea : Integrated Research. , ed. by Romankevich, E. A., Lisitsin, A. P. and Vivogradov, M. P.. Nauka, Moskva, Rossija, pp. 199-204, 226 pp. ISBN 5-8037-0077-0

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Spott, O., Kobabe, S., Kutzbach, L., Wagner, D. and Pfeiffer, E. M. (2003) Patterned ground lakes and their function as sources of atmospheric methane. Open Access In: Russian-German Cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA : the Expedition LENA 2002 . , ed. by Grigoriev, M. N., Rachold, V., Bolshiyanov, D. Y., Pfeiffer, E. M., Schirrmeister, L., Wagner, D. and Hubberten, H. W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 466 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 51-57.

[thumbnail of 2003_Streletskii-etal-Redistribution_IntConfPerm8-Chapter_196.pdf]

Streletskii, D. A., Streletskaya, I. D., Rogov, V. V. and Leibman, M. O. (2003) Redistribution of ions within the active layer and upper permafrost, Yamal, Russia. In: Permafrost: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Permafrost, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. ; 2 , ed. by Phillips, M., Springman, S. M. and Arenson, L. U.. Balkema, Lisse, The Netherlands, pp. 1117-1122. ISBN 90-5809-585-1 ; 90-5809-582-7

Thiede, J. (2003) Zukunft von Erde und Umwelt - Lehren aus den erdgeschichtlichen Archiven der Ozeanböden. In: An den Fronten der Forschung : Kosmos-Erde-Leben ; Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte (GDNÄ), 122. Versammlung, 21. - 24. September 2002, Halle/Saale. , ed. by Emmermann, R.. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte e.V : ... Versammlung, 122 . Hirzel, Stuttgart, pp. 225-229. ISBN 3-7776-1257-X

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Wagner, D., Kobabe, S. and Pfeiffer, E. M. (2003) Methanogenesis under extreme environmental conditions in permafrost soils : a model for exobiological processes? . In: 8th Infernational Conference on Permafrost : Zurich, Switzerland, 20 - 25 July 2003 ; Extended Abstracts Reporting Current Research and New Information . , ed. by Haeberli, W. and Brandová, D.. Glaciology and Geomorphodynamics Group, Geography Dep., Univ. of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, pp. 175-176.

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Wagner, D., Kutzbach, L., Wille, C., Kobabe, S., Spott, O., Kurchafova, A., Grigoriev, M. N., Stoof, G., Schneider, W., Abramova, E. N., Meyer, H., Kuzmina, S., Wetterich, S., Bolshiyanov, D., Fedorova, I. and Tretiakov, M. (2003) Ecological studies on permafrost soils and landscapes of the central Lena Delta. Open Access In: Russian-German Cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA : the Expedition LENA 2002 . , ed. by Grigoriev, M. N., Rachold, V., Bolshiyanov, D. Y., Pfeiffer, E. M., Schirrmeister, L., Wagner, D. and Hubberten, H. W.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 466 . AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 5-7.

Conference books

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Rachold, V., Lantuit, H., Couture, N. and Pollard, W., eds. (2005) Arctic Coastal Dynamics : Report of the 5th International Workshop, McGill University, Montreal (Canada), 13-16 October 2004. . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 506 . Kamloth, Bremen, 131 pp.

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Rachold, V. and Cherkashov, G., eds. (2004) Arctic Coastal Dynamics : Report of the 4th International Workshop, VNIIOkeangeologia, St. Petersburg (Russia), 10 - 13 November 2003. . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 482 . Kamloth, Bremen, 229 pp.

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Rachold, V., Brown, J., Solomon, S. and Sollid, J. L., eds. (2003) Arctic Coastal Dynamics : Report of the 3rd International Workshop, University of Oslo (Norway), 2-5 December 2002 . . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 433 . Kamloth, Bremen, 127 pp.


Bauch, D. , Wegner, C., Hoelemann, J. A., Kirillov, S., Koldunov, N., Churun, V., Dmitrenko, I. A., Nitishinsky, M., Timokhov, L. and Kassens, H. (2006) Laptev Sea hydrographic expedition data from 1993 to 2003 : interannual variations and exchange with the Arctic Ocean interior. [Talk] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Bauch, H. , Kassens, H., Klyuvitkina, T., Meyer, H., Müller-Lupp, T., Polyakova, Y., Rekant, P. and Taldenkova, E. (2006) Environmental history of the Laptev Sea : present status and future perspective. [Talk] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Hoelemann, J. A., Krumpen, T., Haas, C., Wegner, C., Kirillov, S., Timokhov, L. and Kassens, H. (2006) Monitoring dynamics and sea-ice export of the Laptev Sea polynya using model results, remote sensing data, and oceanographic observations. [Talk] In: IMPETUS 2006 - Circumarctic Polynyas International Meeting. , 26.06.-28.06.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Hoelemann, J. A., Wegner, C., Kirillov, S., Koldunov, N., Haas, C., Krumpen, T., Churun, V., Timokhov, L. and Kassens, H. (2006) The thermal response of the Laptev Sea to wind, temperature and oceanic forcing. [Talk] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kassens, H. (2006) Process studies on permafrost in the Laptev Sea. [Talk] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

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Kassens, H., Priamikov, S., Rachold, V., Thiede, J. and Timokhov, L. (2006) Innovations in collaboration - case study 4: Planning and cooperation for multinational field projects. Open Access [Invited talk] In: 2006 Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum - ARCUS. , 25.05.-26.05.2006, Washington, DC, USA .

Kirillov, S., Dmitrenko, I., Hoelemann, J. A. and Kassens, H. (2006) The intensity of ice production in the Laptev Sea flaw polynyas. [Other] In: International Meeting IMPETUS 2006 - Circumarctic Polynyas. , 26.06.-28.06.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Klyuvitkina, T. S., Kassens, H. and Bauch, H. A. (2006) Postglacial environments in the Laptev Sea inferred from dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. [Talk] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Razina, V., Bauch, H. , Andreev, A., Schirrmeister, L., Hubberten, H. W. and Kassens, H. (2006) Late glacial and Holocene pollen records from the Laptev Sea cores and terrestrial section Mamontovy Klyk cape. [Talk] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Rekant, P., Gusev, E., Krinitsky, P., Cherkashov, G., Schwenk, T., Spiess, V. and Kassens, H. (2006) The high resolution acoustic sounding technique as one of the possible basements for the off-shore permafrost study. [Talk] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Schwenk, T., Spiess, V., Rekant, P., Gusev, E. and Kassens, H. (2006) Structure of Late Quaternary sediments and submarine permafrost in the Laptev Sea - results from mutltichannel seismic survey during Expedition TRANSDRIFT X. [Talk] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Wegner, C., Hoelemann, J. A., Bauch, D. , Kirillov, S., Koldunov, N., Chrurun, V., Dmitrenko, I., Timokhov, L. and Kassens, H. (2006) Seasonal bottom-water temperature variations on the Laptev Sea shelf - evidence from one-year record. [Other] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Wegner, C., Hoelemann, J. A., Kirillov, S., Dmitrenko, I., Chrurun, V., Timokhov, L. and Kassens, H. (2006) Long-term monitoring of transport processes in the Laptev Sea polynya. [Talk] In: IMPETUS 2006 - Circumarctic Polynyas International Meeting. , 26.06.-28.06.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Wegner, C., Hölemann, J. A., Klagge, T., Timokhov, L. and Kassens, H. (2006) Application of ADCPs for long-term sediment-transport monitoring in Arctic environments - examples from the Laptev Sea. [Talk] In: OMAE 2006 - 25. International Conference in Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. , 04.06.-09.06.2006, Hamburg .

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Rachold, V. (2005) Arctic Coastal Dynamics (ACD) - status report. [Talk] In: Open Science Meeting Study of Environmental Arctic Change. , 27.10.-30.10.2003, Seattle, Washington, USA . Proceedings of the Open Science Meeting Study of Environmental Arctic Change, SEARCH. ; p. 159 .

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Rachold, V. and Solomon, S. M. (2005) Session summery: Coastal processes. [Invited talk] In: Open Science Meeting Study of Environmental Arctic Change. , 27.10.-30.10.2003, Seattle, Washington, USA . Proceedings of the Open Science Meeting Study of Environmental Arctic Change, SEARCH. ; XXI-XXII .

Conference posters

Koldunov, N., Kirillov, S., Makhotin, M., Dmitrenko, I., Hoelemann, J. A. and Kassens, H. (2006) Thermal regime of the Siberian Arctic seas: evidence of Atlantic water expansion into the Laptev and East-Siberian shelves. [Poster] In: 13. Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 20.02.-24.02.2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA .

Makhotin, M., Kirillov, S., Koldunov, N., Dmitrenko, I., Hoelemann, J. A. and Kassens, H. (2006) Variability of a large-scale atmospheric circulation over the Arctic in the impact of arctic intermediate waters on the Laptev Sea shelf. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2006. , 02.04.-07.04.2006, Vienna, Austria . DOI SRef-ID:1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-00636.

Makhotin, M., Timokhov, L. A. and Colony, R. (2006) Distribution and circulation of Pacific Winter and Summer Waters in the Arctic Ocean based on historical data. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2006. , 02.04.-07.04.2006, Vienna, Austria . DOI SRef-ID:1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-00446.

Müller-Lupp, T., Bauch, H. A. and Kassens, H. (2006) Paleorecords of hydrographical change and Siberian land-shelf connection on annual timescales. [Poster] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Nitishinsky, M., Anderson, L. G., Pivovarov, S., Novikhin, A., Morozova, D., Bondareva, L., Smagin, V., Shilin, M., Timokhov, L., Hoelemann, J., Kassens, H., Galtsova, V., Gukov, A. and Petreshov, V. (2006) The research results of hydrochemical investigations in the Laptev Sea from 1993 till 2005. [Poster] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Polyakov, I., Bhatt, U. S., Walsh, D., Simmons, H. L., Walsh, J. E., Zhang, X. and Timokhov, L. A. (2006) Multidecadal variability in the Arctic/North Atlantic climate system. [Poster] In: 2006 Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum - ARCUS. , 25.05.-26.05.2006, Washington, DC, USA .

Rekant, P., Gusev, E., Krinitsky, P., Cherkashov, G., Kassens, H., Schwenk, T. and Spiess, V. (2006) High-resolution seismic approach for the permafrost identification. [Poster] In: 8. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. , 07.02.-09.02.2006, St. Petersburg, Russia .

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Dittmers, K., Niessen, F. and Stein, R. (2005) Toward a Holocene sediment budget of the central Kara Sea shelf. [Poster] In: Open Science Meeting Study of Environmental Arctic Change. , 27.10.-30.10.2003, Seattle, Washington, USA . Proceedings of the Open Science Meeting Study of Environmental Arctic Change, SEARCH. ; p. 167 .

Theses - published by a publisher

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Wegner, C. (2003) Sediment Transport on Arctic Shelves - Seasonal Variations in Suspended Particulate Matter Dynamics on the Laptev Sea Shelf (Siberian Arctic) = Sedimenttransport auf Arktischen Schelfen - Jahreszeitliche Schwankungen in der Schwebstoffdynamik auf dem Laptev-See-Schelf (sibirische Arktis). (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für Marine Geowissenschaften, Kiel, Kiel, IV, 87 pp. . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 455 . DOI hdl:10013/epic.10460.d001.

Theses - not published by a publisher

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Alawi, M. (2007) Diversität Nitrit oxidierender Bakterien in Böden des nordsibirischen Permafrostes und Sedimenten der Laptev-See. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, [10 ungez.], 142 S. pp. DOI URN:urn:nbn:de:gbv:18-34385.

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Zimmermann, U. (2007) Methanoxidierende Bakteriengemeinschaften in Böden und Sedimenten des sibirischen Permafrostes. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, [14 ungez.], 123 pp. DOI URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:18-32189.

[thumbnail of 2006_Ulrich-Mathias_Dipl.pdf]

Ulrich, M. (2006) Charakteristik und spektrale Eigenschaften periglazialer Landschaften im Lena-Delta, NO-Sibirien. (Diploma thesis), Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, VIII, 95, [28] pp.

[thumbnail of 2005_Ganzert-Lars_Dipl.pdf]

Ganzert, L. (2005) Biodiversität methanogener Archaeen in arktischen Böden des Lena-Delta/Sibirien . (Diploma thesis), Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, 89 pp. DOI hdl:10013/epic.25118.d001.

[thumbnail of 2005_Grosse_PhD.pdf]

Grosse, G. (2005) Characterisation and Evolution of Periglacial Landscapes in Northern Siberia during the Late Quaternary : Remote Sensing and GIS Studies. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, VIII, 117 pp. DOI URN: urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5544.

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Kobabe, S. (2005) Charakterisierung der mikrobiellen Lebensgemeinschaft eines sibirischen Permafrostbodens. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, [12 ungez.], 120 pp. DOI URN: urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-5467.

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Kutzbach, L. (2005) The Exchange of Energy, Water and Carbon Dioxide Between Wet Arctic Tundra and the Atmosphere at the Lena River Delta, Northern Siberia. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, XVI, 141 pp. DOI URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:18-31777.

Magens, D. (2005) Late Quaternary climate and environmental history of the Siberian Arctic - permafrost records from Cape Mamontovy Klyk, Laptev Sea. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, 129 pp.

Morgenstern, A. (2005) GIS-basierte Analyse der Morphometrie und räumlichen Verteilung von Seen im Lena-Delta, NO-Sibirien. (Diploma thesis), Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, ?? pp.

Dem′yankov, S. S. (2004) Calcareous nanoplankton of Campanian age from the Desna River basin (in Russian). (Diploma thesis), Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 60 pp.

Martynova, D. M. (2004) Feeding biology of the dominant copepod species (Superfamily Centropagoidea) in the White Sea (in Russian). (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, ??? pp.

Stepanova, A. Y. (2004) Pleistocene-Holocene and recent ostracods of the Laptev Sea and their importance for paleoecological reconstructions (in Russian). (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia, 249 pp.

Vishnyakova, I. (2004) The pelagic fauna of the different water pools in the Lena Delta. (Diploma thesis), Kazan University, Tatarstan, Russia, ?? pp.

Wetterich, S. (2004) Die rezente Ostracodenfauna des Lenadeltas (Nordostsibirien). (Diploma thesis), Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, 97 pp.

Fedorov, G. (2003) Evolution of the Lacustrine Geosystems of the Taimyr Peninsula (in Russian). (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, 145 pp.

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Liebner, S. (2003) Verbreitung und Aktivität der methanotrophen Mikroflora in arktischen Böden des Lena- Deltas, Sibirien. (Diploma thesis), Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, 106 pp. DOI hdl:10013/epic.25598.

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Spott, O. (2003) Frostmusterbedingte Seen der polygonalen Tundra und ihre Funktion als Quellen atmosphärischen Methans. (Diploma thesis), Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, 125 pp. DOI hdl:10013/epic.26862.

Stepanova, A. (2003) Late Pleistocene and Holocene ostracod assemblages from the Laptev Sea (in Russian). (Diploma thesis), Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 120 pp.

Reports - Cruise Reports

[thumbnail of 2006_Wagner-Bolshiyanov-Lena_BerPolMeerFor-539.pdf]

Wagner, D. and Bolshiyanov, D. Y., eds. and Participants of the Expedition (2006) Russian-German Cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA : The Expedition LENA 2004. . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 539 . Kamloth, Bremen, 127 pp.

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Klages, M., Thiede, J. and Foucher, J. P., eds. (2004) The Expedition ARKTIS XIX/3 of the Research Vessel POLARSTERN in 2003 - reports of Legs 3a, 3b and 3c. . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 488 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, 355 pp. DOI hdl:10013/epic.10493.d001.

[thumbnail of BerPolarforsch2004-489.pdf]

Schirrmeister, L., ed. (2004) Expeditions in Siberia 2003. . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 489 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, 231 pp. DOI hdl:10013/epic.10494.

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Grigoriev, M. N., Rachold, V., Bolshiyanov, D. Y., Pfeiffer, E. M., Schirrmeister, L., Wagner, D. and Hubberten, H. W., eds. (2003) Russian-German cooperation SYSTEM LAPTEV SEA: The expedition LENA 2002. . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 466 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, 341 pp.

Reports - Weekly reports

[thumbnail of WB_TRANSDRIFT-X_Lena-2004.pdf]

Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der Expedition (2006) Wochenberichte der Expeditionen 2004 : Expedition TRANSDRIFT X - [Expedition LENA 2004]. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 37-54 pp.

Reports - other reports

Kassens, H. and Volkmann-Lark, K., eds. and MitarbeiterInnen des Verbundvorhabens (2006) Russisch-Deutsche Zusammenarbeit System Laptev-See: Prozessstudien zur Dynamik des Permafrostes in der Laptev-See : Abschlussbericht. . Sekretariat System Laptev-See, Kiel, 95 + Anhang pp.

Bauch, H. A. and Kassens, H., eds. (2005) Arctic Siberian shelf environments. . Global and Planetary Change - Special Issue, 48 (1-3). Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1-8, 252 pp. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.003.

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Bauch, H. A., Pavlidis, Y. A., Polyakova, Y. I., Matishov, G. G. and Koç, N., eds. (2005) Pechora Sea Environments : Past, Present, and the Future. . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 501 . Kamloth, Bremen, 247 pp.

Grigoriev, M. N., Razumov, S. O., Kunitsky, V. V. and Spektor, V. B. (2005) Main Regularities of the Coast Development of the Russian East-Arctic Seas. . UNSPECIFIED, Yakutsk, 81 pp.

Thiede, J., ed. (2004) Quaternary Environments of the Eurasian North (QUEEN). , 23 . Quaternary Science Reviews - Special issue, 23 (11-13) (11-13). Elsevier, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 1225-1511, 1225-1511 pp.

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Meyer, H. (2003) Late Quaternary Climate History of Northern Siberia - Evidence from Ground Ice = Die spätquartäre Klimageschichte Nordsibiriens - Ergebnisse aus Untersuchungen an Grundeis . . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung, 461 . AWI, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, 111 pp. DOI hdl:10013/epic.10466.d001.

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